
Our creative courses consist of eight teaching units, which can also be attended continuously. The courses take place in cooperation with the vhs Baden-Baden in the Kunstwerkstatt (branch of the museum) in Lichtentaler Straße 64.

An agreement with the VHS BB can be made using the contact details given below

Program booklet





For children, youth and adults

For children, young people and adults/ Accompanying the exhibitions in the museum we offer many creative workshops for children from 6 years of age for the weekend and the holidays. We paint and draw in the museum in front of the works, in the park and in the art workshop. Following in the footsteps of the great masters, we create our own art with lots of paint, brushes and pencils, model in clay or learn about printing techniques. Older children and teenagers can experiment with silkscreen and linoleum printing or learn portrait drawing and watercolour techniques. There is something for everyone! Many of the workshops start with a guided tour of the current exhibition suitable for children. We also always have a few special courses for our creative adults. (see under programme)

Inclusion is a matter of course for us. We work in small groups with distance. All hygiene rules are observed. Disinfection possibilities are available.

Courses only available in German & Workshops only available in German.
Kathrin Dorfner
Tel: 07221 39833 0
VHS Baden-Baden
Tel. 07221 9965 360

Workshop overview

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Squeegee - We look for the color below
We will start in the museum with a guided tour through the current exhibition suitable for children accompanied by our creative booklet FRIEDER. In the art workshop you will become artists yourselves. Pierre Soulages likes to work on his canvases with different tools. Today we use the squeegee, a piece of wood with a rubber end, with which we will look for and find the bright color under the black layer of paint on your works of art. This creates exciting lines and surfaces. Have fun with it!

Info: Please bring along mouth protection, the booking voucher, older clothes and a drinking bottle.
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Die Kunstwerkstatt wurde auf Initiative des Stifters und Kunstsammlers Frieder Burda im Januar 2003 in Baden-Baden gegründet.

Kindern, Jugendlichen, Familien, Schulen und Kindergärten bietet die Kunstwerkstatt in Form von Museumstouren, Workshops, Kursen und Sonderveranstaltungen ein abwechslungsreiches, hochwertiges Begleitprogramm zu den Museumsausstellungen.

Unsere jungen Besucher entdecken auf diesem Weg die Vielfalt Bildender Kunst. Nach dem Museumsbesuch können sie unter professioneller Anleitung und Verwendung hochwertiger Kunstmaterialien die wesentlichen Gestaltungsmerkmale der ausgestellten Kunstwerke selbst kreativ erproben. Das Kennenlernen unterschiedlicher Techniken und Materialien geht einher mit der Erweiterung persönlicher Ausdruckskraft.

Leitgedanke und Ziel unserer Arbeit ist, Kunst anschaulich, handlungs- und erlebnisorientiert zur Freude unserer jungen Besucher zu vermitteln. Unsere Überzeugung ist, dass Kunst Kulturen verbinden und Brücken bauen kann.

Wir freuen uns auf Sie! Ihr Team der Kunstwerkstatt

Courses in the Kunstwerkstatt

Our creative courses consist of eight teaching units, which can also be attended continuously. The courses take place in cooperation with the vhs Baden-Baden in the Kunstwerkstatt (branch of the museum) in Lichtentaler Straße 64.

An agreement with the VHS BB can be made using the contact details given below

Kathrin Dorfner
Tel: 07221 398330
VHS Baden-Baden
Tel. 07221 9965360

Drawing books & Flyer

Colorful ideas!

Here you can find our colorful ideas for home. Just click on the picture! Have fun!

Creative booklets

Be creative at home!

Here we have compiled creative tips from our ''FRIEDER''- booklets, which are available for each of our exhibitions: You can download the booklets, just click on them.


Bunte Ideen!

Hier findest du unsere bunten Ideen für Zuhause. Einfach auf das Bild klicken! Viel Spass!

array(5) { ["id"]=> int(1) ["titel"]=> string(7) "Malheft" ["preview"]=> string(22) "pdf/downloads/preview/" ["pdf"]=> string(14) "pdf/downloads/" ["check"]=> string(22) "pdf/downloads/preview/" }


array(5) { ["id"]=> int(2) ["titel"]=> string(5) "Flyer" ["preview"]=> string(77) "pdf/downloads/preview/Flyer_Kunstwerkstatt_I_Feel_the_Earth_Whisper_Cover.jpg" ["pdf"]=> string(48) "pdf/downloads/MFB_IFTEW_Flyer_Kunstwerkstatt.pdf" ["check"]=> string(77) "pdf/downloads/preview/Flyer_Kunstwerkstatt_I_Feel_the_Earth_Whisper_Cover.jpg" }


array(5) { ["id"]=> int(3) ["titel"]=> string(14) "Schulen - Info" ["preview"]=> string(43) "pdf/downloads/preview/SchulenflyerCover.jpg" ["pdf"]=> string(56) "pdf/downloads/MFB_Kunstvermittlung für Schulklassen.pdf" ["check"]=> string(43) "pdf/downloads/preview/SchulenflyerCover.jpg" }

Schulen - Info

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